What is the Role of CSS in Web Development?

CSS stylesheet language is continue to earn great popularity from years. That’s because of its various uses, advancement, technical compatibilities and dozens of other features. In fact, a study by w3techs has described 97% of all website use Cascading Style Sheet or CSS in development.

By using this in website development procedure, a developer can potentially add visual and layout effects in an HTML element. Moreover, presentation of an XML file or HTML written document can also be effectively promoted with this language.

Pay attention – CSS has great roles in overall web development, software development or application development. But before getting discussing roles of this stylesheet language, you must know what is it actually, and its types. It will help your properly understand its important roles.

So, without further ado, let’s get right into this.

What is CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)?               

CSS is a stylesheet language and stands for Cascading Style Sheest. It is used to promote best layout of web pages, visual effects and presentation of HTML and XML files. Mostly people don’t know but it’s mainly used for markup languages on webpages which are responsible for overall structuring of a website.

 A CSS expert developer help you achieve the exact design, color, font and their sizes, elements, spacing, column and rows settings, and much more in overall designing of your website which you need. Not finished here, use of CSS style sheet language also help you in various ways which we are going to discuss in this article.

Types of CSS Web Development: Inline, Internal and External

CSS is mainly divided into three types for better understanding by experts. These types include Inline CSS, Internal CSS, and External CSS. All of these are used for different purposes along with different ways for implementation considering the requirements.

Let’s discuss them one by one and see how they work.


Inline is one of the simplest types of CSS stylesheet language used to style individual or single HTML elements on a webpage. But Inline is not so common because people don’t promote styling individual HTML all the times on a website. And yes, it also makes the HTML code complex to read.

Inserting Inline CSS is quiet easier that you only have to find the particular HTML element and add desired codes using style attribute.

Example of Inline CSS Coding

Below Inline CSS code can be used to blue the text of a paragraph of a particular element on a website.

<p style="color: blue;">This text is blue.</p>


In contrast to the Inline, Internal CSS is used to style multiple HTML elements on a webpage. You have to follow the same procedure here but you design multiple elements rather than a single one.

Pay attention – When using Internal CSS, you have to add your desired codes in <head> section using style attribute. But keep in mind that it will not provide you with clear separation between CSS and HTML files.

Example of Internal CSS Coding

Below code can be implemented on a webpage to change the color and font size of all the h2 headings.

h2 {color: red; font-size: 40px;}


In external type of CSS styling sheet language you style multiple web pages creating a separate CSS file with .css which later you connect with the HTML document. This is the most common type of CSS used nowadays.

Here’s a quick guide what you do in external CSS type:

  • Create a separate CSS file with .css extension and all your designing requirements
  • Link the file to the HTML document using <link> element
  • Make sure you add in the <head> section

Pro tip: make sure you don’t create larger files because they can negatively affect your website speed or page loading time. 

Example of External CSS Coding

Below code can change the entire background of your website to grey.

background-color: blue;

But you have to follow the procedure we teach you above. Create a separate CSS file with .css extension and add this code inside. Then, link with the HTML document using <link> element within the <head> section.

Like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>



 <title> background-color: blue;</title>

 <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">



 <h1>This is a heading</h1>

 <p>This is a paragraph.</p>



Important Roles of CSS in Web Development

Undoubtedly, CSS is most important in web development without websites cannot ensure proper layout or designing. In fact, websites will only show content with a white background without CSS. You can idea from this how important is this stylesheet language.

Explore the great role of CSS in web development below.

Speed Optimization

CSS always contributes to the high speed optimization of a website in several ways. Meanwhile, it promotes lazy loading, critical path, responsive design and browser compatibility. And yes, you can also reduce the size of CSS files easily compared to the others which ultimately enhances the speed.

Improves SEO – Search Engine Optimization

CSS has no direct connection with search engine optimization of your website but it can indirectly boost the factors which can help you perform better in search results. For example, CSS files promote great responsiveness, faster webpage loading, and improves mobile-first indexing.

In fact, CSS is the reason behind structured content on your webpages which Google can easily scan and index. According to the RemotePlatz, here are some great techniques which you can follow with CSS to improve your SEO.

  • With CSS, you can present images on your website the way you want to. i.e., compress images and promote lazy loading
  • Make accessible designs and ensure your website is browser compatible
  • Promote pagination technique to avoid server load
  • Focus on better structuring and sitemap of your website for excellent crawlability by search engines

Improves UI/UX

CSS stylesheet can also help you improves user-interface & user-experience of your website. All you need to do is, ensure you’re using the best fonts, focusing on clean typography, developing themes and design which attracts, adding transitions and animations along with the eye-catching elements. Meanwhile, you can use CSS in various ways to exactly deliver the message you want to on your website.

Easy Customizations

CSS stylesheet is quiet easier to customize compared to the other languages. Using this language, you can easily promote separation of concerns, better present your HTML files and everything else which you can’t do with other complex languages easily.

According to the experts, CSS is easier and not irritating due to which they make website in less time. Meanwhile, CSS is ultimately helping them to reach deadlines on time.

Device compatibility

CSS stylesheet allows you to make your website device compatible, so it opens accordingly and serve your visitors. Sometimes, we face our website is working differently on phone and laptop – ruining complete UI/UX. But with perfect CSS stylesheet optimization you can get rid of this.

As per expert analysis, CSS is device and browser compatible because of its ability to make responsive designs. It uses features like Flexbox layout, gird layout and media queries.

Pay attention – by ensuring device compatibility and focusing on all the design options, CSS is highly accessible. 

Separation of Concerns

CSS stylesheet highly promotes separation of concerns due to which nothing can be mixed up. This language doesn’t disturb functioning of JavaScript and HTML for smooth functioning of website. Meanwhile, structure, behavior, and presentation of a website work collectively and smoothly.

These are the primary roles of CSS in web development due to which it has become one of the top stylesheet languages and widely used by almost every developer worldwide.

RemotePlatz – Hire Top CSS Web Developers Today

Yes, now you can hire the top 2% CSS web developers with RemotePlatz and make you dedicated developers team today. The procedure is quiet simple and you don’t need to get into any complexity.

All you have to do is, register with RemotePlatz and post the job with your complete requirements which allows our expert CSS web developers to apply. After it, you can interview and hire the dedicated developers or developers.

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RemotePlatz is providing you the opportunities to hire dedicated developers you are looking for at costs you can reliably afford without disturbing your budget. Moreover, we provide excellent customer support, navigations and suggestions in kind of issues related to your project.

So, what you are waiting for? Connect with us today and start ensuring higher success rate for your web development project. For more information, contact us now.


In the above article, we’ve shared the complete introduction of what actually the CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is along with its important roles and functions. We have talked about types of CSS and the possible ways where to use or implement them.

Isn’t it helpful? Leave your kind opinions quickly inside the comment box below. 

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