Using CSS and HTML To Create Website

How To Create A Website Using CSS And HTML? [Step-By-Step Guide]

Creating a website with CSS and HTML is easier only if you’re familiar with coding. Otherwise, it might be quiet difficult for you – that is true. But you should not worry about anything else if you’re even a beginner because we are here to help you out.

In this article, we’ll teach you how you can create a website using two major markup languages: CSS and HTML in a few simple steps. All you have to do is, stay with this page and be good to go.

Pay attention – This tutorial is going to be a straightforward, step-by-step guide with no jargon & defining the exact steps that you have to perform as per your project requirements.

Let’s dive right into this.

What is CSS and HTML?

This section is for beginners who don’t even know what is html and css used for.

CSS and HTML are both markup languages in web development but are often called programming languages by people who don’t know the actual story behind. These two languages can help you create and then style your website elements, pages, structures, layouts, and more.

In fact, these two languages are also used in app development and software development. A study has revealed almost every website on Google majorly uses these two languages. Without them, any website is unable to ensure the best design and UI/UX.

Now, let’s move towards discussing the pre-steps involved in setting up a workspace for creating a website using CSS and HTML languages.

Pre Steps Involved in Creating a Website with CSS and HTML

In the pre-steps, you have to follow the steps.

  1. One is creating a new folder in which files will be saved.
  2. Second, create CSS and HTML files which you are going to edit later.

Open your “My Computer or This PC” and create a new folder in any disk where you’re comfortable. Make sure you rename the folder with the website name you are creating for better convenience.

After that, create two text/txt files which should be named “index.html” and “styles.css” respectively.

Done with these things? Let’s move to the actual steps toward making a website with CSS and HTML.

Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Website Using CSS and HTML

Creating a website with HTML and CSS actually involves only four steps:

1.     Creating and customizing HTML file

2.     Doing the same with the CSS file

3.     Adding content to your website

4.     Publishing your website

It’s necessary to follow all of these steps one by one if you have done with the pre-procedure steps described above.

Let’s discuss them one by one below.

Creating & Customizing HTML File

After making a text/txt file or renaming it as index.html start writing basic html structure. Your code should start with “<!DOCTYPE html>” so browsers can understand that it is an html file.

Pay attention – the basic structure of html is divided into two parts: head part and body. You have to customize them one by one.

Now, specify the language you are making the website in. i.e., if you are making in English, add <html lang="en">. After that, create a head section and then a body section. In the head section, describe details like metadata, title, and link. While in the body section, add your content.

You can also copy this basic HTML structure and add it into your “index.html” file which you can further customize as per your requirements.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">



   <meta charset="UTF-8">

   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

   <title>SweetTreats Bakery</title>

   <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">




   <!-- Your content will go here -->




Creating & Customizing CSS File

The procedure of creating a CSS file is almost the same as creating an HTML file but you edit or customize different things here. Meanwhile, you edit header, footer, and body in which you describe font family, font colors, backgrounds, text alignments, padding, margins, and more.

Keep in mind that editing CSS files is sometimes irritating because you have to tackle the design from all aspects. You may have to change, edit, or customize things again and again.

Considering this, we have created a basic CSS style for you. Copy and add it into your “styles.css” file. After that, customize it as per your project needs.

body {

   font-family: Calibri, Times New Roman;

   background-color: #f9f9f9;

   margin: 0;



header {

   background-color: #444;

   color: grey;

   text-align: left;

   padding: 1em;



footer {

   background-color: #444444;

   color: grey;

   text-align: left;

   padding: 1em;


Adding Content

This step is quiet simple in that you only need to add relevant content inside <body> tags of your “index.html” file to complete your website. Make sure you don’t mess with heading structures.

There should be only one <h1> tag on the page while <h2> can be multiple depending upon the requirements. And yes, use <p> tag for adding paragraph content. This code should start and end with <body> tags.

Pay attention – you can add as much as sections under the header or footer as you need but ensure every under-section starts with “/”. For example, a new section under an already present section in the code will be started as </section>.

Here’s a sample of how you add content inside the index.html file and maintain heading structures.



       <h1>Title of the page</h1>




       <h2>First H2 Heading</h2>

       <p>paragraph content under this heading</p>




       <h2>Second H2 Heading</h2>

       <p> paragraph content under this heading</p>




       <p> Add content you want to show in the footer. Anything like “All rights are reserved”</p>



Publishing the Website

Now, you are done with your website creation using html and css. It's time to publish your website so it can be accessible on the internet to your visitors. For this, you have to purchase a hosting and domain and then connect your website to the hosting.

Choose any authorized web hosting provider and get a relevant domain that your website is about. Then, upload both css and html files to your hosting and you are done. That’s it.

If you find anything not up to mark, you can change it anytime by customizing your index.html and styles.css files.

Plus, if you think you need expert guidance to help you complete your project, connect with RemotePlatz.

Also Read:

1.     What Does a Front End Developer Do?

2.     What Does a Back End Developer Do?

Quick Solution: Hire CSS and HTML Developers – 2% Top Talent with RemotePlatz

Meet with your finest destination if you want to hire expert CSS and HTML Developers to create your website or project as per your requirements. RemotePlatz offers you the best developers specialized in the particular skills you are looking for.

In fact, if you are stuck somewhere in developing your website with CSS and HTML, our experts can help you get rid of technical issues and complete your project. All you have to do is, register with RemotePlatz and post the job with complete requirements. And simply, interview the talent and hire your dedicated developer.

Something confusing?

Don’t hesitate and contact us now. Our expert team of supporters is there to listen your queries, issues with development, and everything else you’re confused in related to the web development, software development or application development. After it, we’ll surely provide the best navigations or suggestions to you.

See why you should make RemotePlatz your priority:

1.     Easy procedure for registering with us. i.e., signup with Google, GitHub or LinkedIn

2.     Top 2% talent of developers of all niches with great expertise

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The Bottom Line

In the above article, we have shared a complete step-by-step guide on how to create a website using CSS and HTML. We have provided better navigation and introduced simple procedures and HTML and CSS basic structure codes which you can further customize or use in making your websites from scratch.

What’s more?

We have also discussed RemotePlatz as the best-ever platform where you can hire dedicated CSS and HTML web developers. Meanwhile, only if you don’t understand various complexities, and technicalities and are unable to create a next-level website as per your requirements.

Now, we’d like to hear from you. Leave your opinions regarding the role of css and html in creating a website from scratch quickly inside the comment box below.


After Developing A Website Using HTML And CSS, What Should I Do With That Website?

You must go with three things which include making your website accessible on the internet by hosting it with any web hosting platform. Then, register a domain for your website’s personalized web address. Lastly, uploading your website files to the server or hosting. Now, your website is live which you can share with the world.

How Long Did It Take To Build Your First Website Using HTML And CSS?

It depends on some factors including the nature and complexity of your project, your experience or expertise, and resources. If you are building a basic or simple website and you are also familiar with coding it will take less time. In contrast, it’ll obviously take a longer period to complete your first website if you are creating a complex one and also not familiar with coding as well.

Is CSS and HTML are Tough Programming Languages?

They are neither tough nor easy. But you must put effort into learning, understanding, and practicing HTML and CSS if you want to be an expert in these. Otherwise, it will not be possible for you to even create a single-page website with them. 


How To Create A Website With HTML And CSS?
How Is CSS Used To Create A Website?
How To Create A Simple Website With Multiple Pages Using HTML & CSS?
How To Build Your Own Website?
Create A Website Using Html And Css With Source Code
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